Nippon Instruments Corporation
About NIC
Corporate Philosophy
Contribute to the Development of Society through Advances Made in Scientific Technology.
Mercury exists in various natural forms all over the world, and people have come into contact with it throughout the history of human development. Mercury was used as a pigment and a miracle drug for immortality during old times and in clinical thermometers and fluorescent lamps until quite recently. It is a unique metal that has been used in various ways by exploiting its distinctive properties.
Human beings have made effective use of mercury throughout history, but they were exposed to the threat posed by its poisonous properties when misused. Such is the case of Minamata disease in Japan, which resulted in a tremendous number of victims in the 1960s, with a number of patients still suffering its aftereffects.
Since it was first established in 1978, Nippon Instruments Corporation specializes in analyzing mercury. Efforts to control mercury emissions and prevent damage to human health as a result of mercury have just commenced on a global basis, but mercury is still present. This has led to an increasing awareness of the significance of accurately measuring and controlling mercury.
We, Nippon Instruments Corporation, are committed to contributing to our customers through mercury measurements and under our corporate philosophy of “Contribute to the Development of Society through Advances Made in Scientific Technology”.
Corporate Policies
Valuing Customers
Valuing People (Employees)
Valuing Technology
Quality Policy
NIC will provide environmentally friendly, superior-performing mercury analyzers and relevant services, by which it will contribute to customer’s businesses as well as society.
Guideline for Quality Management
NIC will comply with laws and regulations or any social requirements related thereto and make efforts to provide reliable products that customers can safely use.
NIC will communicate its quality policy to all its employees to ensure that they can increase their awareness and continuously improve its quality management system.
NIC will make efforts to continuously improve the quality of its products, services and business activities so as to improve customer satisfaction.
Message from the President
Experiment and Theory are our basic pillars.
Nippon Instruments Corporation (NIC) was founded because of a solid desire to “identify an easy way to analyze mercury” by our predecessors who faced the reality of Minamata disease at the time. NIC is one of a few professional companies exclusively pursuing the analysis of a single element, namely mercury, since it was first founded in 1978.
Mercury affects the lives of organisms and can be found in various forms throughout the natural environment. We are confident that accurately measuring and appropriately controlling mercury can help protect people’s lives and contribute to the healthy development of industries.
The method for taking measurements when analyzing mercury is, in principle, quite simple, and utilizes atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic fluorescence spectroscopy. However, mercury easily attaches to substances. Hence, any measurements require the appropriate separation and extraction of mercury from the samples used. This means that the accurate analysis and measurement of mercury requires the knowledge and know-how we have accumulated over many decades.
We intend to continue our efforts to provide equipment capable of contributing to the development of society via the two pillars of experiment and theory, which incorporate the know-how we have cultivated through experience. This is the pride and mission we have as a professional manufacturer that specializes in mercury analyzers.
Mercury analysis will continue to be very necessary and have a variety of purposes. We hope that the equipment made by Nippon Instruments Corporation will be of as much help to you as possible.
Isao Hamanaka

Made in Japan
Japan established a firm reputation in global markets due to the high quality and reliability of products made in Japan and we continue to uphold the strict standards of quality expected by consumers. We, Nippon Instruments Corporation, have developed and manufactured mercury analyzers in Japan since first being founded, and all of our products are, of course, 100% Made in Japan.
- stay aware of and meet the requirements of customers in order to quickly respond to any laws and standards that are ever-changing over time,
- facilitate the smooth exchange of opinions and repeated tests between our application laboratory researchers and engineers, and
- ensure the timely procurement of reliable parts that are all made in Japan in the constant effort to retain our products being “Made in Japan,” resulting in an excellent reputation in global markets.
Science Without Compromising Environmental Sustainability
NICares - Use Responsibly
Everyone has a part to play in reducing carbon footprint to protect our Mother Earth for our future generations. To support the global pursuit of environmental sustainability, NIC is committed to avoiding unnecessary depletion of our natural resources in all our innovations, maintaining ecological, economic and sociological balance.
All our products are designed with commitments to comply with our pledges:
NICares Save Energy
As a leading manufacturer in mercury analyzer, we pledge to help our users reduce carbon footprint.
Our R&D and production teams are steering towards adopting energy-efficient design in all our products.
We believe that reducing power consumption can decrease harmful greenhouse gases emissions.
NICares Save Resources
Conventionally, Mercury analysis is a wet-chemistry procedure and technique. Reagents (acids and oxidants) used in the procedure are hazardous and harmful to our environment.
Although these reagents cannot be excluded, we reduce and optimize the consumption to minimize the impact. Our RA-series Discrete-Direct-Purge technique utilizes less reagents comparing to other Flow-Injection techniques.
NICares Less Waste
Hazardous waste requires treatment before any disposal. Waste reduction and prevention decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
Mercury is a toxic chemical element and so are the chemicals (acids and reductants) used to analyze it. We are conscious from the tragedy of Minamata disease and what it has done and affected the locals, so it does not justify generating more toxic waste in the process of trying to measure a toxic element (Hg).
We strive to achieve the best of both worlds:
NIC's Story
40⁺ Years
of Know-How.
(NIC Mercury monitoring project near volcanic area by Koji Tanida at 1988)
Providing customers with technical support, mercury measurement and product operation training.