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Nippon Instruments Corporation

About NIC


Isao Hamanaka


Isao Hamanaka

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Takashi Yasuda


Takashi Yasuda

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Tomoaki Watanabe

R&D Manager

Tomoaki Watanabe

R&D Manager
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Masashi Oshima

Production Manager

Masashi Oshima

Production Manager
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Alvin Chua

International Sales Manager

Alvin Chua

International Sales Manager
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Hazumu Kinoshita

International Service

Hazumu Kinoshita

International Service
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Company Information

Company name

Nippon Instruments Corporation

Address (head office)

14-8, Akaoji-cho, Takatsuki-shi,
Osaka. 569-1146

Representative Director

Isao Hamanaka



Number of employees


(as of the end of August 2020)

Business line

Development, manufacture, sale and servicing of mercury analyzers; measuring services

Parent Company

Rigaku Corporation


ISO Certification

ISO9001: 2015

Technical Center/Factory/Osaka Branch on Jan. 30, 2018

ISO14001: 2015

Technical Center/Factory/Osaka Branch on Sep. 28, 2018

Osaka Office, Factory,

14-8, Akaoji-cho, Takatsuki-shi, Osaka. 569-1146
Tel: +81-72-694-5195   
Fax: +81-72-694-0663

Singapore Branch

61, Bukit Batok Crescent, Unit #04-04A, Singapore 658078
Tel: +65-6873-7068   Fax: +65-6873-6372


Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers’ Association

Japan Environment Measurement and Chemical Analysis Association

Japan Environmental Technology Association

Tokyo Environmental Measurement & Technology Conference

NIC Facility

Osaka Technical Centre

NIC Osaka Technical Centre

Along with the foundation of Nippon Instruments Corporation in 1978, the company established TECH. CENTER (TECHNICAL CENTER) in the premises of its Osaka Office. TECH. CENTER is a department consisting of a group of engineers specializing in mercury analysis to address the uniqueness of mercury analysis, which may be unfamiliar to the public. The group members are specialists of Applied Technology in Chemistry and work every day on basic research of mercury analysis technologies and the development of new measurement technologies.

TECH. CENTER answers technical questions from customers who purchased our mercury analysis equipment and offers technical advice to potential customers. TECH. CENTER also accepts samples from customers for analysis, provides results to them, and supports customers in their analysis activities.

We can help you solve your problems through our analyzing and measuring know-how that we have accumulated since our foundation.

If you have any questions about mercury measurement, please feel free to contact TECH. CENTER.

Thailand – Center of Excellence

Thailand - Centre of Excellence Nippon Instruments Corporation

In 2021, we established the new NIC Center of Excellence located in Bangkok, Thailand, as it is a strategic alliance with our local representative, KINETIC SOLUTIONS CO., LTD.

We aim to expand our presence from Japan by extending our dedicated technical product support, demonstrating various mercury applications through product demonstrations, conducting comprehensive product operation training and more to customers from all regions.

Contact Us

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We’re happy to help. 

If you have any enquiries or feedback, fill in the form and we’ll get back to you soon!

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NIC President

Isao Hamanaka


NIC was founded because of a solid desire to identify an easy way to analyze mercury by our predecessors who had discovered the reality of Minamata disease at the time.

No one should ever suffer from that again and we are committed to prevent it by having the easiest and most accurate way to identify mercury.

“Solid commitment & contribution in making Minamata disease a history”

About NIC

Takashi Yasuda


Managing NIC is so fulfilling everyday because we get to produce the most superior mercury analyzers to help our customers in need. 

We value our customers and employees. Without them, we will not be where we are today.

“It is about the people we have.”

About NIC

Tomoaki Watanabe

R&D Manager

When we found a solution to the problem of mercury analysis, we solve a headche for customer. For me, there is nothing happier than this – being able to help our customers with our innovative solutions.

“Problems inspire innovations.”

About NIC

Masashi Oshima

Production Manager

Production and inspection are like the last line of defense for our company’s quality and reputation before the product is shipped out.

Everyday I ensure only the best mercury analyzer is being made and shipped out of Japan to every part of the world.

“Only the best is delivered.”

About NIC

Alvin Chua

International Sales Manager

20-years working with our distributors and customers internationally, we are just like a family now. I trust our innovations to deliver the best solutions to our customers

“Values the relationship more than business.”

About NIC

Hazumu Kinoshita

International Service

My core belief is that a good after-sales technical support is just as important as the superior features of our product.

Our distributors and I ensure that happens everyday – to provide assuring and accountable after-sales technical support.

“Responsible to what we sell.”